Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello all. I hope this post finds everyone healthy and happy. Transition into fall is always a weird time. I'm always more tired for a month. It's dark when I get up and it's dark when I get home from work. It's beautiful around here though-the colors are changing and it's been clear and crisp all week.

Today was our last long training run- 21.5 miles. We ran through Seattle's arboretum and along Lake Washington, and back again. The lake was calm, the trees are all different colors, and along the route we saw glimpses of both the Olympics and the Cascades...amazing. I was nervous going in because I had a really tough finish for our 19 miler, but today felt good. There are always aches and pains, but my energy was up and I knew I'd finish strong. Maybe it had something to do with *knowing* this was the last long one until the race. That being said, we were 1/10th of a mile from the car when I got the most brutal charlie horse in my calf. It seriously dropped me to the ground. Jeff was just laughing - why would we run 21.4 and THEN I get a cramp?!?!?! So actually, we didn't run 21.5, we ran 21.4 and limped, laughing and almost crying for another 1/10th of a mile.

So we start our taper. A few shorter runs this week, maybe an 8-10 miler next weekend and really short runs the week after that. I can't believe it's in a couple of weeks. I'm scared and excited. It will be nice to have my weekends back - I'm sure my husband thinks the same. He's been awesome for watching 2 crazy kids while I go run for hours at a time then usually letting me get a nap in afterward. So - YEAH FOR TUCKER!

Training for this race has been a blessing for me. Like I've said before, this has been the most difficult time in my life. I miss Dino everyday and while I'm handling things better these days - I think of him hourly and I still shed a lot of tears. God, I miss him. This race has been something positive to focus on.

Dino's bank account has $1550 in it. Isn't that exciting? Thank you all so much for your support. Dino really touched all kinds of people far and wide. The account may still grow in the next couple of weeks so I'll keep you posted.

Hopefully I'll see some of you at the race. Three of us will be sporting blue *Team Dino* visors. The race starts at 7:00 and Jeff and I are hoping to finish in about 4 hours 45 minutes - give or take...who knows? We wont cross the starting line right at 7:00 so take into consideration that the start may tack on a good 10-15 minutes if we're towards the back of the herd.

Smile when you think of him. Look for him in the changing colors - he's with all of us.

Do it for Dino!

1 comment:

Monica Martin said...

Beautifully stated, Andi. I am so excited for you guys!!

My tears, too, have been endless these days. But at the end of all of my cries (is that a word??), there is always a smile.

Dino is definitely here with us.

Hugs to you, my dear.