Wednesday, October 1, 2008

19+ miles to burgers and beer

Hi all.
Sunday was a beautiful day. Jeff and I started our run at Gasworks park and headed out toward woodenville - a mere 19-ish miles away. Sunday's run was a little different in that we weren't running a loop or a there and back, we were running to the original Redhook Brewery. Talk about motivation. We had several friends meeting us out there, including my husband Tucker, my 2 year old Ben, and my mother-in-law.

Like I said, it was a beautiful, sunny, fall day. We took off down the Burke Gilman Trail at about 9:00. From there we ran through the UW, along lake Washington, and out to Woodenville. For those of you who don't know the area, it's the location of many local wineries. Anyway, I had my mind SET on a certain time. First off, I thought we were running EXACTLY 19 - so there was my first mistake. The run is actually closer to 20 (according to some websites...and the only thing I'll accept at this point). Second, I had us at EXACTLY 10 minute miles. That being said, I expected us to land at a burger and a pitcher at EXACTLY 12:10 give or take a few minutes for water and bathroom breaks. So when 12:20, 12:25 and almost 12:30 approached, I was H U R T I N G! I know it's only a few minutes, but DAMN, I was ready to stop. We were running directly into the sun at that point, and the trail is such that every corner you turn, you are hoping to see the brewery but instead you see 100 yards of nothing until there is another turn in the path. It was brutal, but we got there alive.

We sat out on the patio with friends, ordered a few pitchers of beer, ate burgers, and enjoyed the sunshine. There is one huge downer though... Once I got there, I realized I lost my wedding ring on the trail. I am almost certain I know what happened, and I'll spare you the details. It was a STUPID error on my part and I'm sick about it. That night I had high hopes that someone found it and would post it on Craigslist, but it's Wednesday and we've had no such luck. Keep your fingers crossed for me that someone decent found it and is looking for me. Today Tucker and I went up and down the path with a metal detector and again, no luck. Isn't that messed up? If there is anything I've learned in the last few months though - it's that there are definitely more important things in life. While I'm bummed, it's not the end of the world.

So there's my story. We are going to back off this weekend, and do another LONG (like 21-22 miles) run in a couple of weeks. The race itself is the 26th. I'm happy I'm doing it, and I'll be happy when it's over. Anyway, I hope everyone is well. One day at a time. I still have a lot of sad days. I'm trying to stop questioning why some days are harder than others - they just are. They just are and that's ok. One of Dino's great friends said that we're miserable because we loved him so much and to have had that in your life is a gift. It's true and I just thought that was a beautiful way of looking at things.

I've heard that some people are having a hard time making a deposit at Wells Fargo - I'm so sorry. I will talk to the guy who set up the account for me. He PROMISED me that you would not need an account number - which is why I went with Wells in the first place. You can always send me a check made out to Dino Scoppettone to 2807 NW 61st St, Seattle WA 98107.

Thanks for reading!


POST ADDENDUM: Someone just returned my ring!!!!! It's Thursday and it's been missing since SUNDAY! Miracle? Dino? What do you think?

1 comment:

Monica Martin said...

Wow! That's awesome about your ring!! The trail run sounds does your final destination. :) Nice work!!