Sunday, October 26, 2008

4 hours 36 minutes

Hi everyone.
Jeff, Lizzie and I completed the marathon today in Dino's honor. It was a good day, a sad day, a happy day. I had my cry before I picked Jeff up this morning. I was driving at about 5:15am and, like usual, a song came on that reminded me of Dino and the waterworks started.

The race started at 7. Jeff and I lost Lizzie at the half way mark because her husband and children were there so she stopped to say hi. Jeff and I felt strong most of the race. At mile 20 I put in my music to push through. I had a little talk with Dino too - "just push us more hour...I know you think we're stupid for doing this, just push us!" Jeff and I ran a pretty strong pace the last 6 miles for us. I turned my music off at mile 25 and tuned back into Jeff. We finished together, holding hands, pointing to our TEAM DINO visors. I also sported a beautiful patch that Monica Martin made for me with wonderful pictures of Dino and the words VIVA LA VIDA on it. I didn't pin the bottom of the patch to my shirt because I wanted to flip it up and look at it when I needed to. I really helped and I'll treasure it always- Thank you Monica! XOXOXO

When I started this training, I would finish my runs visualizing Dino at the finish line, healing, strong, on the road to recovery. After he passed away, visualizing the finish line was difficult for me. Today just as we got our medals and made our way through the food line, I looked up to see Mary and Nick Scoppettone and Nick's fiance Amber. I just hugged Mary and bawled. I was SO happy she was there. I just can't explain how good it felt. In that moment, I think Dino was somewhere watching this, happy.

I don't know what to do with this blog now that I'm done with this marathon (and ALL future marathons). It was suggested that TEAM DINO should get together every year for some event (a normal sized event, 10K, hike, sprint triathlon). I would love that. Please write me with any suggestions on how to keep TEAM DINO alive. We could come up with an event next year and use that as a way to fund raise for Dino's memorial fund. What do you think? If you feel weird about posting, please email me

Thanks for your support everyone. Please keep Dino's family in your prayers and keep in touch with them. I think this network that has been created has a purpose.
God bless you all!
Do it for Dino!


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Four Days

Hi everyone-

In 4 days I will run for my friend. I am so thankful to have a healthy body that has allowed me to train, heal, eat (which I've done well over the last few months), and hopefully complete this race in 1 piece. I get through my long runs thinking that Dino didn't get to rest, he didn't get to take a water break. He fought hard everyday. I miss him terribly and I cry a few tears daily, but I am also able to smile more when I think of him. I know he'll be with us on Sunday and he will push us through the finish line.

Thank you to everyone for your support. We've raised $1700 as of today. Not bad! I'll keep you updated - that number may go up this week. Just so you know, I'm going to give a check to Mary for the full amount. She can use what she needs for left over bills, and deposit the rest into Dino's fund.

Send us your good vibes on Sunday. Maybe I'll even see you there.
We're Doin it for Dino!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hello all. I hope this post finds everyone healthy and happy. Transition into fall is always a weird time. I'm always more tired for a month. It's dark when I get up and it's dark when I get home from work. It's beautiful around here though-the colors are changing and it's been clear and crisp all week.

Today was our last long training run- 21.5 miles. We ran through Seattle's arboretum and along Lake Washington, and back again. The lake was calm, the trees are all different colors, and along the route we saw glimpses of both the Olympics and the Cascades...amazing. I was nervous going in because I had a really tough finish for our 19 miler, but today felt good. There are always aches and pains, but my energy was up and I knew I'd finish strong. Maybe it had something to do with *knowing* this was the last long one until the race. That being said, we were 1/10th of a mile from the car when I got the most brutal charlie horse in my calf. It seriously dropped me to the ground. Jeff was just laughing - why would we run 21.4 and THEN I get a cramp?!?!?! So actually, we didn't run 21.5, we ran 21.4 and limped, laughing and almost crying for another 1/10th of a mile.

So we start our taper. A few shorter runs this week, maybe an 8-10 miler next weekend and really short runs the week after that. I can't believe it's in a couple of weeks. I'm scared and excited. It will be nice to have my weekends back - I'm sure my husband thinks the same. He's been awesome for watching 2 crazy kids while I go run for hours at a time then usually letting me get a nap in afterward. So - YEAH FOR TUCKER!

Training for this race has been a blessing for me. Like I've said before, this has been the most difficult time in my life. I miss Dino everyday and while I'm handling things better these days - I think of him hourly and I still shed a lot of tears. God, I miss him. This race has been something positive to focus on.

Dino's bank account has $1550 in it. Isn't that exciting? Thank you all so much for your support. Dino really touched all kinds of people far and wide. The account may still grow in the next couple of weeks so I'll keep you posted.

Hopefully I'll see some of you at the race. Three of us will be sporting blue *Team Dino* visors. The race starts at 7:00 and Jeff and I are hoping to finish in about 4 hours 45 minutes - give or take...who knows? We wont cross the starting line right at 7:00 so take into consideration that the start may tack on a good 10-15 minutes if we're towards the back of the herd.

Smile when you think of him. Look for him in the changing colors - he's with all of us.

Do it for Dino!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

19+ miles to burgers and beer

Hi all.
Sunday was a beautiful day. Jeff and I started our run at Gasworks park and headed out toward woodenville - a mere 19-ish miles away. Sunday's run was a little different in that we weren't running a loop or a there and back, we were running to the original Redhook Brewery. Talk about motivation. We had several friends meeting us out there, including my husband Tucker, my 2 year old Ben, and my mother-in-law.

Like I said, it was a beautiful, sunny, fall day. We took off down the Burke Gilman Trail at about 9:00. From there we ran through the UW, along lake Washington, and out to Woodenville. For those of you who don't know the area, it's the location of many local wineries. Anyway, I had my mind SET on a certain time. First off, I thought we were running EXACTLY 19 - so there was my first mistake. The run is actually closer to 20 (according to some websites...and the only thing I'll accept at this point). Second, I had us at EXACTLY 10 minute miles. That being said, I expected us to land at a burger and a pitcher at EXACTLY 12:10 give or take a few minutes for water and bathroom breaks. So when 12:20, 12:25 and almost 12:30 approached, I was H U R T I N G! I know it's only a few minutes, but DAMN, I was ready to stop. We were running directly into the sun at that point, and the trail is such that every corner you turn, you are hoping to see the brewery but instead you see 100 yards of nothing until there is another turn in the path. It was brutal, but we got there alive.

We sat out on the patio with friends, ordered a few pitchers of beer, ate burgers, and enjoyed the sunshine. There is one huge downer though... Once I got there, I realized I lost my wedding ring on the trail. I am almost certain I know what happened, and I'll spare you the details. It was a STUPID error on my part and I'm sick about it. That night I had high hopes that someone found it and would post it on Craigslist, but it's Wednesday and we've had no such luck. Keep your fingers crossed for me that someone decent found it and is looking for me. Today Tucker and I went up and down the path with a metal detector and again, no luck. Isn't that messed up? If there is anything I've learned in the last few months though - it's that there are definitely more important things in life. While I'm bummed, it's not the end of the world.

So there's my story. We are going to back off this weekend, and do another LONG (like 21-22 miles) run in a couple of weeks. The race itself is the 26th. I'm happy I'm doing it, and I'll be happy when it's over. Anyway, I hope everyone is well. One day at a time. I still have a lot of sad days. I'm trying to stop questioning why some days are harder than others - they just are. They just are and that's ok. One of Dino's great friends said that we're miserable because we loved him so much and to have had that in your life is a gift. It's true and I just thought that was a beautiful way of looking at things.

I've heard that some people are having a hard time making a deposit at Wells Fargo - I'm so sorry. I will talk to the guy who set up the account for me. He PROMISED me that you would not need an account number - which is why I went with Wells in the first place. You can always send me a check made out to Dino Scoppettone to 2807 NW 61st St, Seattle WA 98107.

Thanks for reading!


POST ADDENDUM: Someone just returned my ring!!!!! It's Thursday and it's been missing since SUNDAY! Miracle? Dino? What do you think?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Special little moments

The last couple of days have been difficult for me. I think it's due to working on, and finally sending out my fundraising letter. Since I've sent it, I've gotten several responses which have brought up a ton of memories. I have just had Dino on the mind and have felt really sad the last couple of days.

So today I went for a run. It was a short run from my house up to this look out about 25 blocks away. As I approached, the Bruce Hornsby song, Rainbows Cadillac, came on my iPod. It's a very Dino-esque song with a lot of piano riffs. It's a really upbeat, fun song. If you don't know it - pull it up online and it will immediately make you think of Dino. Anyway, here I was, looking at the sun glistening off of Puget Sound, clear view of the craggy peaks of the Olympic Mt rage with cotton-like clouds hovering over them, sail boats drifting by and Bruce on my iPod. Dino was there for me after this hard week. He was there and I smiled the the whole way home.
This time Dino *Did it for me*

Monday, September 22, 2008

Smiles, tears, and more miles...

I hope this post finds everyone feeling a little more, how should I say...normal? I was feeling like I was travelling outside my body and that any day, I would be back in my body and all of this will have been a bad dream. Unfortunately, I'm back in my body, but it's all real. My last post sounded brutal , and I know its not easy to just "move on". I did that on purpose. Dino really was kind of brutal that way. I always went to him when I needed a kick in the ass. For the most part, he did not dwell on things, and he didn't allow his friends to dwell either.

Today is a little easier. Day by day, I find myself accepting this a little more. I have to. I have 2 babies and it's not fair for me to walk around, not allowing myself to enjoy the day to day gifts. It's been hard and I still think about Dino daily, hourly in fact. I have really tried to use the long runs to connect with him. In all honesty, I wish it was like a movie where a beautiful eagle will fly beside me and I'll just *know* it's my friend. Well, that hasn't happened. More so, I try to see him in a beautiful day, in quiet moments when I'm in the park alone, when I'm looking out over Puget Sound at the Olympics. I know it sounds woo woo, but I guess I'm just trying to listen to the universe to see if I can feel him, hear him, see him. Sometimes I really do. Don't get me wrong, it's not all harp music and sunsets - I could literally feel his disgust during last weeks Seahawks game. I just kept saying, "ooohhh somewhere Dino is piiiissssed!"

As for the race - there is good and not so good. Last week Jeff and I did about 17 miles and felt great. Both of us agreed, we could have run a little further. Yesterday we backed down to about 12 and I felt like shit. Go figure - I guess they all wont feel good. Next week we do 19-20, back down again, then back up to about 22 - rest - then race. The fundraising is on it's way. So far we've raised about $1500. I'm sure we can do more. Dick is going to post my fundraising letter (when I complete it) to Dino's blog. He's already seeking out organizations that will help to operate Dino's fund. We're not exactly sure what the money will be used for, but it will be something in Dino's name and it will be something that was important to him: music, writing, restoring Hetch Hetchy, cancer research. It's really up to the family to decide. Once it's all said and done, all of my fundraising money will go to his parents, and they will decide how to spend it. SO, we are all going to be part of something really exciting. I feel that this keeps Dino's spirit alive and strong. Thank you for those of you who have donated and thanks for reading.

Look back on my last few posts to find out how to donate. Also, feel free to contact me!

Do it for Dino!


Monday, September 8, 2008


Hi all. I hope everyone is healing and taking care of one another. This is tough isn't it? We are all settling in to the long-term phase of accepting that he isn't here and wondering how to move on. How do we go longer than 10-15 minutes without thinking of him and feeling so sad all the time?

I knew Dino for a long long time. He saw me through a lot of ups and downs. Here's what I know - Dino wasn't the friend you called when you wanted to be coddled. He was the one you called when you needed a kick in the butt. I'm sure his closest friends will attest to this. He definitely gave me the "these were the cards you were dealt - now move on" speech many many times in my life. He was not one who would allow his friends to linger in anger or sadness. He *wants* us to be well. I know it. He would be pissed if he knew how sad we were all still feeling. So, as hard as it is, with Dino in mind I tell you all - it's time to accept (not forget) and find a way to stop feeling so sad. He would say the same if he could, I know he would. Now if I could just follow my own advice.

As for the fundraising....Some money is starting to come in. I spoke with his parents over the weekend about what expenses are left. To be honest, they aren't really sure. What it sounds like is we're talking thousands, as opposed to tens of thousands. That being said, there are attorney fees, and general expenses that accrued during 3 months of staying in Oakland with Dino. The thought at this point is to take some of the money and apply it to something special in Dino's name. The details of this are still being worked out. I hope this motivates all of you. Wouldn't it be great to start something in his name: a scholarship, a camp for kids with cancer....Any ideas? I would love to hear them.

As for my training - I ran 15.7 miles today with Jeff Ramos. It was tough. I've been battling aches and pains, but that is to be expected when doing something as unnatural as running 15 miles. Tonight I feel pretty good with the help of wine, ice, and ibuprofen. This weekend I have a 17-18 miler, then we back down to 14ish, then we do 20. Yikes. I'll keep you all posted.

Remember - to donate you can go into any wells fargo branch and make a deposit in the memorial fund called "the Dino Scoppettone donation fund". If you want to transfer online call me or email me for the account number.
206-706-3217 or
OR you can send me a check in Dino's name. 2807 NW 61st Seattle WA 98107

I miss him like crazy. Life wont be the same without him, but he's with us all - I know it. Our memories are happy memories and I think that's how he would want us to feel when we think of him. Can you do that? Do it for Dino.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Pushin through

Well, this was certainly a tough week for me. So, I guess I'm just supposed to get back to my life and move on? Not so easy. All week I felt like a breakdown was a breath away. Talking small talk with patients was difficult, especially when the people who knew why I missed a week of work would look at me with pity and apologize. They are only being supportive, but it was moments like this when I found myself gulping back the looming crying attack. I'm sure you all know what I mean.

One of Dino's best friends said the hard part is "settling into the much longer phase of missing him" and boy it's true. I have ended every run with a "peace" to wherever he is, and saying "I'm gonna miss you every day I'm alive" - and it's true.

Cal football started (Go Bears) and it just wasn't the same. I think I have talked to Dino every football day for the last few years. Even though Cal won, it was a lonely day. It will be bitter sweet irony when the Cal Bears go all the way AND the Seahawks win the Superbowl, wont it?

As for my training, I ran 14 miles on Saturday. It was the longest run I've done in a LONG time. I had my music and my water, and off I went. I felt pretty good, actually. When I would feel myself crash I would loudly say "Damn it Dino - PUSH ME". People probably thought I was nuts...oh well.

In re-reading this entry, it sort of sounds negative. Sorry. I know that in time, happy days will be with all of us again. I think for me it will be a long time. Today, I'm still very sad and there are few moments when he's not on my mind. Perhaps I'm afraid to let go and quite frankly, I'm not ready to.

My thoughts are always with his family, all of his friends, and of course the big man himself. I hope everyone is finding the happiness in little things and living life to the fullest. Dino would want that for all of us! Do it for Dino. xoxo


Monday, August 25, 2008

Back home

Dino's services were yesterday and it was wonderful to be around all who loved him (and that's A LOT of people). It was truly beautiful. I was struck by the many facets of his family life that I didn't know. I've always fancied myself a close friend of his, but I'm realizing that I really didn't know his family all that well and I'm saddened that it's happening under these circumstances. For instance, who knew the depth of the musical talent of the Scoppettone family? Who knew that Dino had the strongest most graceful parents in the world? Who knew Nick was so tender and wise? Why did I not know these things? It makes me think - could I have been a better friend? I am not going to punish myself, and I know Dino would not want me to, but I know, it's not too late to learn more about the people who helped make Dino who he was, his family.

A subject that came up yesterday was the concept of the nickname. Dino gave EVERYONE a nickname. Funny thing, 20 years and I had no nickname. At times he called me "andrea", but that doesn't count. My husband Tucker, who Dino had only known for about 5 years was assigned a nickname, "BVT" for Barron Von Tuckulous. I think it would be fun if people who are reading this (if anyone is reading this) will post their assigned Dino nickname. This will keep us smiling as the dust settles from this emotional roller coaster.

I felt sad leaving Santa Cruz today. It felt lonely getting on the airplane and distancing myself from all the wonderful people who knew and loved him. Now I'm back home, still sad, still shocked, still wondering how to go on so I thought the nickname thing would be fun.
I'll keep posting about my training and fundraising. Let's all stay in touch ok? Perhaps one purpose of Dino's passing was to put all of us together.

As for my training, I have done a couple of "long runs" but I'm a week or so behind in my training. I have not had the energy to push passed the hard parts like I normally do (I'm a bit of a freak when in comes to these things). Needless to say, I have some catching up to do. I am going to use the time to connect with my friend - think about him, talk to him, etc...

You are all in my prayers, stay strong, and look for him in every beautiful sunset that you see. I do believe he's everywhere. Peace and love.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A battle lost

It is with profound sadness that I say goodbye to a dear friend. Dino lost his battle with cancer Monday night at about 8:45. He was surrounded by family and friends. I arrived at the hospital 10 minutes too late. While every one's first reaction has been "I'm so sorry you missed him", his family (and I'm not even sure how yet) knew I was coming. His soon to be sister in law, Amber met me in the hallway and asked "are you Andi - he knew you were coming. You were the last one". His dad indicated the same thing. As if Dino was waiting until I was near before he could end this journey, and move on to the next. I'll never know if this is true, of course, but it brings me some peace - thinking that he was waiting for me. I was able to hold his hand, tell him I love him, and how much he will be missed. I promised him that through stories, my children will know him, and that he was just too big for this world. Why is it that we don't say these heartfelt things to people we love while we have the chance. I am going to change that.
I'm deeply saddened. I am unable to sleep, and I'm a little zombie-like at the moment. I wonder how to go on from here. I imagine that most of you probably knew this news already, either from Dino's blog or his mom's email. If you didn't know Dino, please go to his blog: and read his dad's entry "I'll know what to say" and read the 41 comments from friends. You'll know him a little better. It's made me cry every time, but I love to read other people's experiences with him. He was such a great person - also one who would drive you crazy, but in a good way. Every time I had a question about ANYTHING, I call Dino, whether it's a song lyric that I don't know, or a sports questions. That guy was like my personal Wikipedia!
I have every intention of running this marathon...for me...for Dino...for Dino's family. I am not sure what happens to all of his medical bills at this time, but I am still going to send every cent raised to his family. Sadly this has become a true "memorial fund". Please read my entry "money money money" for details.
For now, I feel like something is crushing the breath from my chest. I have to learn how to breathe again. There is pain with every inhalation, but that will pass in time - I know. I will remember him always, and miss him daily. He was a friend, a brother, a confidant, and a fighter. My life will not be the same - ever! I will pray for him, I will pray for his family, and his circle of friends. If you are reading this, could you do the same? I wouldn't mind a prayer myself - perhaps for strength? I would appreciate it. I don't expect people to post comments, but I would love to read them if you do.
Love to all - do it for Dino!
God Bless

Friday, August 15, 2008

Money money money

Hi everyone.

I finally opened an account for Dino. I tried to open one through Bank of America - because that is where Dino banks, but I ran into some obstacles. First off, they would allow me to open a "charitable account" but I would have been the only person who could do any transactions. That means you would all have to send checks to me and I would make all deposits. If I opened a regular checking/savings, it would have been in my name and checks would have to be written out to me.
Anyway, I opened the account at Wells Fargo. To make a donation, go to any Wells Fargo branch and tell the teller you need to deposit money to a *Memorial Fund*. The name of the account is "The Dino Scoppettone Donation Fund" (in that order). If you have accounts through Wells Fargo, you can transfer money online, but you will need the account number. You can contact me for this information @ 206-706-3217, or email me @ Also, you can send me a check and I can deposit it. You can make checks out to Dino Scoppettone or Dino Scoppettone donation fund. My address is 2807 NW 61st St, Seattle WA 98107. Please don't do anything until Monday August 18th - the account was JUST opened and it will likely take a couple of days to activate the account.
I feel really good about this. Think of the burden that will be lifted from Dino and his family knowing that there is some financial help out there for them through all of this. Please spread the word!
Thanks everyone. Do it for Dino!

Friday, August 8, 2008

The next stage...

Hi everyone.
I am finally writing with some good news. For those of you not following Dino's blog (which is I finally have some promising news. Dino has started chemo - which is GREAT news. From his blog, it sounds like the first day went well. He is not expecting that he will feel this good throughout the entire treatment; however. Who knows though? He had a tough go of it for a while. They were going to start his chemo through a port a cath, but they didn't insert it due to high BP and high white cell count. Instead, they administered the "cocktail" through a regular IV line. Anyway, it's in him blowing this cancer away, which is the most important thing right now.
As for me - I have an 11-12 mile run coming up this weekend. I haven't run since the 10 miler due to a slight case of mastitis. I'm weaning my youngest from breastfeeding, and I guess it's a pretty common problem when weaning. So yeah, I had a boobie infection. Now you all know me a little better. Anyway, I'm rocking the antibiotics and feeling back to normal. I bet you are all happy I told you that.
Lets talk fundraising. I am waiting on a couple more pieces of info from Dino to open an account through BofA . Check back tomorrow and I should have it done. If you're a BofA customer, you can transfer money online (I will post the account #) and if not, you can go to any location and make a deposit. You can also send me a check and I'll deposit it for you.
My address is 2807 NW 61st Street, Seattle WA 98107. Dino's last name is spelled Scoppettone. I feel really positive about this. Good things are happening. It's about time, huh?
Thanks for reading! Do it for Dino!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Running buddies

Hello everyone. Once again, I wish I had good news to give you about Dino, unfortunately things are moving slowly. He had is pain pump put in on Wednesday. It was set intentionally low and the docs were planning on ramping it up slowly as needed. So initially, he did not have much relief. I have not heard anything else since that time. Hopefully, Dino is off all off the pills, getting some sleep, eating, and (excuse me for saying so), pooping like a champ. His bowel obstruction/constipation has been a BIG issue since his surgery. I can't imagine the misery....
I have an official running partner. My great friend Jeff Ramos is going to do the race with me. Today we ran about 10 miles, 102 minutes. It felt good to have a running partner. Jeff and I went to high school, then to college and now we live in Seattle, together. Needless to say, we have been through a lot. Jeff is also great friends with Dino. He was in a fraternity with Matt, Carlos, and Andrew, 3 of Dino's best friends. Our group of friends have embarked on many an adventure. Anyway, Jeff has committed to run with me. He is incredible. He's one of those people who will not run AT ALL during the week, then just go out and pound out 9-10 miles. Last night he went out, had several drinks and gracefully showed up at my house around 8:45 to run 10 miles. Amazing. It was so nice to have a partner. We talked about Dino A LOT and visualized him meeting us at the finish line in October. It may sound cheesy, but it helps.
Please say your prayers and send your good vibes. I am praying that getting off of all the pills with help him function more normally, get some sleep, regain his appetite and strength, and eventually start chemo. He needs to beat this bastard disease!
God Bless. Do it for Dino!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello all.
I wish I had great news for you about Dino. Unfortunately he is struggling with his pain and back in the hospital. He and his family have been struggling to get a pain pump OK'd by the insurance company. Luckily, it looks like this has happened and he will have it put in on Wednesday. This means he'll have a direct line for the medicine and it will (hopefully) target his pain. It sounds like he will be able to back off some of the pills. These have been wrecking havoc on him, on his bowels and his lucidity. I know he wants off of them but he has not been able to get a handle on his pain. They think that the tumor is growing back, but it sounds like they want him a little stronger before they start the chemo.
My information is wishy washy, I know. I will pass on any information that I have to you. I still don't have bank account information. For those of you itching to help, you can send me checks made out to Dino Scoppettone. I will forward them to Dino and his family.
My address is: 2807 NW 61st Street Seattle WA 98107. I will forward them in 1 envelope when I know someone will be home to receive them. Hopefully I will get an account started soon and can just deposit them myself so they don't have to even think about money right now. Wouldn't it be great if we could just take some burden off by filling a bank account for them for when the bills start rolling in? Lets do it...Do it for Dino.
As for me. I'm still running about 4 times a week. I did 8 on Monday and I'm doing 10 on Sunday. It's finally getting to the point where I'm not dying after the first 30 minutes. 8 felt pretty good, actually. I always play my music and I realize that 95% of my music reminds me of Dino. Music is a huge part of his life and it's something that we've shared for many years. I've been to many concerts with Dino: U2 (twice), REM(twice, I think), Bare Naked Ladies, Dave Matthews (a couple of times), Sting, Toad the Wet Sprocket...anyway, you get the point. Music helps me through the tough parts. I've learned that I can't get through the song "Fix You" by Coldplay without crying. For the most part though, the music makes me smile and sends many memories rushing through my head.
So I ask, no, I beg, whether you know Dino or not, please take a few minutes to visualize him. Send your good thoughts, your strength, your prayers, whatever inspires you - PLEASE send it his way. It would mean a lot to me and to Dino and his family. Keep the faith - don't lose hope.
Love to all. Do it for Dino!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pluggin away

Not much has changed here. I'm up to about 7 miles. There are 2 people who are running the marathon with me, which is awesome. I'm still not naming people though. I want to give people the chance to opt out without guilt. Finding the time and energy to train isn't easy. I know this.

I haven't talked to Dino much lately. Most of our contact has been emails or text messages. I haven't pushed the fundraising just because he and I haven't really had a chance to sit down and talk bank accounts and what not. It's been hard to not hear from him as often, but my thoughts and prayers haven't slowed a bit. Please keep him in your prayers as his race has barely begun. I think it's easy to put it out of our minds because Kuato (the tumor) is out of him and we haven't heard from him as often, but I beg you, please keep praying and sending your good vibes his way. He needs this. I know it's kept him strong so far.

Anyway, what I have learned is that any individual can give a "gift" of up to $12,000 without Dino having to claim it. What I think will have to happen is, regardless of the amount, people who donate will have to do this as a true GIFT. Meaning, they will not be able to write it off as a donation - since I'm not an organization/charity. Please let me know if you know otherwise.

SO - I will continue my training, and in the near future I will open an account and hopefully start collecting funds.

Also - a colleague of mine who is a massage therapist is hoping to set up a couple fundraising events where he will give seated massage for donations. He wants to help me pay for my plane ticket down to the marathon, as well as, raise money for Dino (who he doesn't know). He is an amazing, giving, individual. I will write more and we plan these events.

The input has been touching and inspiring. Dino is lucky to have all of you in his life.

Lots of Love & Do it for Dino


Monday, July 7, 2008

Do not be afraid...

So, since I started this, several people have shown interest, maybe, possibly, perhaps, kind of sort of are thinking about, running this event with me. (I wont mention any names - yet)

It's scary - believe me, I know. I have equated this to knowing you have to give birth without drugs. Here's the thing - I am not running this to win. I'm not running this beat some personal best. I'm running this to raise awareness and fulfill this strange need that I had to go through something (painful?) challenging with my friend who does not have the option of walking when he gets tired. There are no water stops for Dino. I just had to do *something*. I don't know...

Anyway, if you want to run, but the thought of 26.2 scares the sh*% out of you, you can always run/walk the half marathon. You would have 15 weeks to train for 13.1 miles. Very doable. The fact that any of you are even thinking about this is awesome!

Being there is spirit is also very awesome! Dino has some great friends!

Just in case: Here's the link - check it out! : )


Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello everyone.
I hope you all had a fun and safe 4th. Our street had a block party making it really easy for the kids to run around and the parents to drink and not have to drive...which is what I did. This, in turn, made my run today very short and pretty challenging.
Any who - I'm wondering if anyone can answer some money questions for me. I think I'll open an account so people can just plop in their deposits/donations. I know organizations that set up runs for charity set up accounts so people who donate can do this. Here's the thing - I'm hoping to raise a good amount (right?) and I'm wondering if Dino will be taxed as if this money is "income" (since I'm technically not a charity). Also - I don't what an account number just floating around the Internet. Does anyone out there know the answer to this, and or have any suggestions? We're all in this together so get your check writing muscles ready!
Do it for Dino!
God Bless.
(my phone number is 206-706-3217 and email is if you have suggestions for me)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 1

Hi All. As some of you may have heard, I have started a fundraising campaign to raise money for one of my best friends. His name is Dino Scoppettone and he is currently battling a type of cancer called liposarcoma. He had a major surgery @ Stanford 3 weeks ago and, as if battling cancer isn't hard enough, he is looking at some pretty hefty hospital bills. You see, the Stanford docs aren't "in network" for his insurance, and he doesn't know if they will cover any of the cost. Here is the thing...even a small percentage of a lot = a lot. He chose Stanford because they have some top notch sarcoma specialist who deal with this type of cancer on a regular basis.

Here is what's happening - I am running the Silicon Valley Marathon on October 26th in Dino's name. I am hoping that people will sponsor me and Dino and help to make a dent in his hospital bills. Being a Cal Berkeley grad - raising money that will go directly to Stanford kind of pisses me off, but what's worse is this wonderful, smart, beautiful friend of mine struggling with cancer, trying to heal, looking at 15 weeks of chemo, and worrying about money. It's just not right. If he can deal with all of that - I can run a damn marathon! By the way, if there is anyone else out there who wishes to run for Team Dino - contact me. I would love a training partner!

Dino had a 30lb tumor, his right kidney, his right adrenals, part of his liver, and part of his colon removed. While he waited to get this approved, which, by the way, hasn't happened yet - some paper pusher actually labeled Dino's case as "non urgent". I guess a 30 lb tumor isn't urgent these days. Whatever.

So today was day one. I ran about 4 miles. It was hot and felt pretty good. This week I will run a few more 4 milers and then 5 this weekend. I'm sitting here thinking that in a couple of months these "4s" and "5s" are going to be replaced with "15s" and "20s"...OUCH.

I will post more about our progress and how you can donate when we get an account open in his name. He's at home healing and we haven't quite worked out the details yet. Help me get the word out!

Pray for him. Send your thoughts his way. We'll all get through this together.

Do it for Dino!

God Bless
