Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Hello all.
I wish I had great news for you about Dino. Unfortunately he is struggling with his pain and back in the hospital. He and his family have been struggling to get a pain pump OK'd by the insurance company. Luckily, it looks like this has happened and he will have it put in on Wednesday. This means he'll have a direct line for the medicine and it will (hopefully) target his pain. It sounds like he will be able to back off some of the pills. These have been wrecking havoc on him, on his bowels and his lucidity. I know he wants off of them but he has not been able to get a handle on his pain. They think that the tumor is growing back, but it sounds like they want him a little stronger before they start the chemo.
My information is wishy washy, I know. I will pass on any information that I have to you. I still don't have bank account information. For those of you itching to help, you can send me checks made out to Dino Scoppettone. I will forward them to Dino and his family.
My address is: 2807 NW 61st Street Seattle WA 98107. I will forward them in 1 envelope when I know someone will be home to receive them. Hopefully I will get an account started soon and can just deposit them myself so they don't have to even think about money right now. Wouldn't it be great if we could just take some burden off by filling a bank account for them for when the bills start rolling in? Lets do it...Do it for Dino.
As for me. I'm still running about 4 times a week. I did 8 on Monday and I'm doing 10 on Sunday. It's finally getting to the point where I'm not dying after the first 30 minutes. 8 felt pretty good, actually. I always play my music and I realize that 95% of my music reminds me of Dino. Music is a huge part of his life and it's something that we've shared for many years. I've been to many concerts with Dino: U2 (twice), REM(twice, I think), Bare Naked Ladies, Dave Matthews (a couple of times), Sting, Toad the Wet Sprocket...anyway, you get the point. Music helps me through the tough parts. I've learned that I can't get through the song "Fix You" by Coldplay without crying. For the most part though, the music makes me smile and sends many memories rushing through my head.
So I ask, no, I beg, whether you know Dino or not, please take a few minutes to visualize him. Send your good thoughts, your strength, your prayers, whatever inspires you - PLEASE send it his way. It would mean a lot to me and to Dino and his family. Keep the faith - don't lose hope.
Love to all. Do it for Dino!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pluggin away

Not much has changed here. I'm up to about 7 miles. There are 2 people who are running the marathon with me, which is awesome. I'm still not naming people though. I want to give people the chance to opt out without guilt. Finding the time and energy to train isn't easy. I know this.

I haven't talked to Dino much lately. Most of our contact has been emails or text messages. I haven't pushed the fundraising just because he and I haven't really had a chance to sit down and talk bank accounts and what not. It's been hard to not hear from him as often, but my thoughts and prayers haven't slowed a bit. Please keep him in your prayers as his race has barely begun. I think it's easy to put it out of our minds because Kuato (the tumor) is out of him and we haven't heard from him as often, but I beg you, please keep praying and sending your good vibes his way. He needs this. I know it's kept him strong so far.

Anyway, what I have learned is that any individual can give a "gift" of up to $12,000 without Dino having to claim it. What I think will have to happen is, regardless of the amount, people who donate will have to do this as a true GIFT. Meaning, they will not be able to write it off as a donation - since I'm not an organization/charity. Please let me know if you know otherwise.

SO - I will continue my training, and in the near future I will open an account and hopefully start collecting funds.

Also - a colleague of mine who is a massage therapist is hoping to set up a couple fundraising events where he will give seated massage for donations. He wants to help me pay for my plane ticket down to the marathon, as well as, raise money for Dino (who he doesn't know). He is an amazing, giving, individual. I will write more and we plan these events.

The input has been touching and inspiring. Dino is lucky to have all of you in his life.

Lots of Love & Do it for Dino


Monday, July 7, 2008

Do not be afraid...

So, since I started this, several people have shown interest, maybe, possibly, perhaps, kind of sort of are thinking about, running this event with me. (I wont mention any names - yet)

It's scary - believe me, I know. I have equated this to knowing you have to give birth without drugs. Here's the thing - I am not running this to win. I'm not running this beat some personal best. I'm running this to raise awareness and fulfill this strange need that I had to go through something (painful?) challenging with my friend who does not have the option of walking when he gets tired. There are no water stops for Dino. I just had to do *something*. I don't know...

Anyway, if you want to run, but the thought of 26.2 scares the sh*% out of you, you can always run/walk the half marathon. You would have 15 weeks to train for 13.1 miles. Very doable. The fact that any of you are even thinking about this is awesome!

Being there is spirit is also very awesome! Dino has some great friends!

Just in case: Here's the link - check it out! : )



Saturday, July 5, 2008


Hello everyone.
I hope you all had a fun and safe 4th. Our street had a block party making it really easy for the kids to run around and the parents to drink and not have to drive...which is what I did. This, in turn, made my run today very short and pretty challenging.
Any who - I'm wondering if anyone can answer some money questions for me. I think I'll open an account so people can just plop in their deposits/donations. I know organizations that set up runs for charity set up accounts so people who donate can do this. Here's the thing - I'm hoping to raise a good amount (right?) and I'm wondering if Dino will be taxed as if this money is "income" (since I'm technically not a charity). Also - I don't what an account number just floating around the Internet. Does anyone out there know the answer to this, and or have any suggestions? We're all in this together so get your check writing muscles ready!
Do it for Dino!
God Bless.
(my phone number is 206-706-3217 and email is andiklove@gmail.com if you have suggestions for me)

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Day 1

Hi All. As some of you may have heard, I have started a fundraising campaign to raise money for one of my best friends. His name is Dino Scoppettone and he is currently battling a type of cancer called liposarcoma. He had a major surgery @ Stanford 3 weeks ago and, as if battling cancer isn't hard enough, he is looking at some pretty hefty hospital bills. You see, the Stanford docs aren't "in network" for his insurance, and he doesn't know if they will cover any of the cost. Here is the thing...even a small percentage of a lot = a lot. He chose Stanford because they have some top notch sarcoma specialist who deal with this type of cancer on a regular basis.

Here is what's happening - I am running the Silicon Valley Marathon on October 26th in Dino's name. I am hoping that people will sponsor me and Dino and help to make a dent in his hospital bills. Being a Cal Berkeley grad - raising money that will go directly to Stanford kind of pisses me off, but what's worse is this wonderful, smart, beautiful friend of mine struggling with cancer, trying to heal, looking at 15 weeks of chemo, and worrying about money. It's just not right. If he can deal with all of that - I can run a damn marathon! By the way, if there is anyone else out there who wishes to run for Team Dino - contact me. I would love a training partner!

Dino had a 30lb tumor, his right kidney, his right adrenals, part of his liver, and part of his colon removed. While he waited to get this approved, which, by the way, hasn't happened yet - some paper pusher actually labeled Dino's case as "non urgent". I guess a 30 lb tumor isn't urgent these days. Whatever.

So today was day one. I ran about 4 miles. It was hot and felt pretty good. This week I will run a few more 4 milers and then 5 this weekend. I'm sitting here thinking that in a couple of months these "4s" and "5s" are going to be replaced with "15s" and "20s"...OUCH.

I will post more about our progress and how you can donate when we get an account open in his name. He's at home healing and we haven't quite worked out the details yet. Help me get the word out!

Pray for him. Send your thoughts his way. We'll all get through this together.

Do it for Dino!

God Bless
