Monday, August 25, 2008

Back home

Dino's services were yesterday and it was wonderful to be around all who loved him (and that's A LOT of people). It was truly beautiful. I was struck by the many facets of his family life that I didn't know. I've always fancied myself a close friend of his, but I'm realizing that I really didn't know his family all that well and I'm saddened that it's happening under these circumstances. For instance, who knew the depth of the musical talent of the Scoppettone family? Who knew that Dino had the strongest most graceful parents in the world? Who knew Nick was so tender and wise? Why did I not know these things? It makes me think - could I have been a better friend? I am not going to punish myself, and I know Dino would not want me to, but I know, it's not too late to learn more about the people who helped make Dino who he was, his family.

A subject that came up yesterday was the concept of the nickname. Dino gave EVERYONE a nickname. Funny thing, 20 years and I had no nickname. At times he called me "andrea", but that doesn't count. My husband Tucker, who Dino had only known for about 5 years was assigned a nickname, "BVT" for Barron Von Tuckulous. I think it would be fun if people who are reading this (if anyone is reading this) will post their assigned Dino nickname. This will keep us smiling as the dust settles from this emotional roller coaster.

I felt sad leaving Santa Cruz today. It felt lonely getting on the airplane and distancing myself from all the wonderful people who knew and loved him. Now I'm back home, still sad, still shocked, still wondering how to go on so I thought the nickname thing would be fun.
I'll keep posting about my training and fundraising. Let's all stay in touch ok? Perhaps one purpose of Dino's passing was to put all of us together.

As for my training, I have done a couple of "long runs" but I'm a week or so behind in my training. I have not had the energy to push passed the hard parts like I normally do (I'm a bit of a freak when in comes to these things). Needless to say, I have some catching up to do. I am going to use the time to connect with my friend - think about him, talk to him, etc...

You are all in my prayers, stay strong, and look for him in every beautiful sunset that you see. I do believe he's everywhere. Peace and love.


Unknown said...

Bluffy here.

I had a variety of nicknames over the years but Bluffy, or BLUFFAH!!! is what ended up sticking. Dino took my surname, changed it to his liking, and greeted me with it from there on out. Sometimes he would draw it out, like "Buh-luh-fee", sometimes all he would say was "Bluh". He loved to play with words and he loved to play with sounds - I suppose it was pretty much inevitable that he would end up as a writer and musician.

It was great to see you on Sunday. I am still going over all of it in my head, it was such a beautiful and extraordinary day.

Good luck with your training - we'll be following every mile!

Heather xo

Wesley Nunes said...

I am just finding out about all of this today. and starting my grieving process. Dino was my mentor in high school and taught me a lot. How to be funny, make jokes, be light hearted. Even after high school into college he and i would get coffee or lunch and talk music, cars, life.

I e-mailed him today, (its been many moths since we last hung out) to tell him about how I'm in a band. Im the bassist. And he used to say he would help me out if i ever wanted to do bass. Show me how to be a good player.

After i sent him an E-mail, i looked him up on Face book. Found two related hits for his name search. I added him saying "Ha! i found you!" then i saw what looked like a fan site. I thought "wow, his band must have rely taken off or something." and to my shock, it was his memorial site. Im still all over the place right now. And even sadder now that i missed his marathon. If anything else comes up to help his family please let know. Me and my family are all going to donate to the fund at Well's Fargo. As much as we can because we want to help. He was such a wonderful person. I just wish I could of had the chance say thank you. For everything. For taking the time to share his wisdom with some random teenager (at the time we met, im 22 now). And i wish I could have said good bye. I miss him so much. please let me know if there is any other way to help his family.

Facebook. Wesley Nunes.
